2011년 12월 9일 금요일

The body- after reading all

 The body, which is also known as the movie “Stand by me” is basically about four kids experiencing a journey to find a dead body. They start from the town, then across the fields and pass the garbage field, into the forest, across the river and so on. These kids overcome their hardships and grow up during the adventure.
 First, Gordie’s brother Dennis died in a car accident. Also, his parents did not care enough for him that he even felt like an invisible man. During the journey, Gordie overcomes his fear of death by confronting the corpse itself and also cures the scar from lack of interest through friendship, mainly with Chris.
 Second, Chris was born in a quite bad environment. His family was somewhat not that good. It influenced him further in the town. When something bad happened, everyone assumed that Chris was related to it, just thinking about his family. When the milk money disappeared from his school, everyone assumed that it was Chris who took it. Even though it was true, Chris was hurt by other people’s assumptions.
 Finally, Teddy has a nearly mad father who put Teddy’s ear to the stove and nearly roasted it. However, Teddy still loves his father dearly and goes furious if someone is disrespectful to his father. In the story, he kind of learns to contain himself when the guard of the junkyard insults his father.
 We all grow up overcoming hardships and every time, it is really hard for us to endure the process. As shown in the novel, we should endure and grow up. 

Science Kills Wonder?

 This is a speech by Robin Ince, discussing about whether science kills wonder. In other words, does science deplete the wonders in this world? My answer to this question is no and so is the speaker.
 Even though science technology has enhanced immensely over the past few centuries, there are still parts of this world that predecessors of science were not able to explain. Basically, because there are so many parts that science could not cover, we could yet find wonders over the boundaries of science. For instance, we still do not know why cancer occurs, but just the process of it and the hypothetical cause. Learning more and more about these would certainly give us wonder and since there are more than enough for us to research and find out about this world, we could half assume and half believe that science is indifferent with wonders.
 There’s more. Does the fact that a punch is a mere momentum with a cluster of cells lessen the pain when it lands on your face? No! Instead of talking about momentum or animated beings called cells, you say “AW” and spit out a teeth and some blood, assuaging your marred jaw. Knowing why things happen does not reduce the wonder of itself. Snow could exemplify this case very well. We know why snow falls but when we watch snow, we do not say that particles of H2O are falling in a solid state. Instead, we say “Wow it’s beautiful.” Finding out more about things does not make them any less authentic or pedestrian.
 Science and wonder, these two concepts aren’t quite different. Science isn’t just a tedious job Wonderful things are as closely related to science as pizza and cheese. We could not separate them from one another and get rid of the biased view: science and wonder are the opposite. 

2011년 12월 2일 금요일

10 years later

November 26th. 2021
 These days, I started to think about the past. Where was I before ten years? Probably I was at high school, doing tons of things.
 Today was, as usual, exciting and fun. My project of earning three billion won in five years, have failed, but still I earned some of it and it took about five more years until now. Since I started that project about ten years ago, finally I came near the end. Thanks to this money, I do not have to work that hard. I do what I want to do and live every day without planning things. Today, I went to Jeju Island for scuba diving with J ate lunch at a restaurant we first saw and then went to the airport to catch this plane heading for Bali, Indonesia. After I’ve been to Bali when I was 17, I’ve always wanted to go there again. Now I’m in the plane, thinking about the restaurants I’ve been last time I went there. I think it’s time for some movies and then, sleep. I’m really happy at the moment and J keeps telling me to stop writing that stupid diary. Think it’s time for me to listen to my girlfriend.
 Maybe this diary is a little hard to understand. Ten years ago, I set a goal to earn three billion won in five years because if you have that much money, you could live without work for the rest of your life. So, I started to everything I could: designing warmer structure of clothes, trying to build a company of my own and some inventions. In five years, I earned one third of the goal and went to a person I have always missed. She came back to my side and ever since, I’ve been going places we have talked about and doing things we have wished to do. Having J back, becoming a CEO and earning three billion let me think myself as a happy and proud man. 

2011년 11월 14일 월요일

Resident Evil review

 The movie Resident Evil series are thrillers containing some violence. It is about a virus, which goes by the name “T virus” and has an effect of moving dead beings by restoring some of their cells and making them move. To be blunt, the dead beings infected by the T virus becomes a zombie starving for living flesh. A company “Umbrella” had made the T virus, but by an accident, it goes loose and total turmoil and massacre begins.
 The computer graphic was not fantastic in a technical way, but the way it was combined with the story itself was the best I’ve ever seen. Overall, the movie looked quite natural even though it was mainly about fictional things such as zombies, monsters, some unearthly research institutes and some inhuman action. In other words, the combination of computer graphics and actors were very natural, almost perfect.
 My overall impression about this movie was that it’s a good movie to spend time with. Maybe it wasn’t better than this because I’ve watched it on my laptop computer. However, I still think that it’s quite a good movie, taking you to the world inside the film and meet the zombies there. One flaw about this film is that it contains too much hitting, shooting, killing, eating people alive, lots of blood and human organs, some monsters. Therefore, this is not recommended for children. If one is going to watch this movie, I also recommend them to check no children are around, and then primarily consider going to the theater or borrowing a DVD and watch them on a HD screen with full volume. Or, if one is watching it on their laptops, to wear headphones and adjust the volume high enough for this movie is a thriller anyway. 

2011년 11월 10일 목요일

Expressing myself (Mr Moon's assignment)

10b1 강건
I emit black logic from my steel heart but others see it as hope.

 Recently, I have been thinking about life over and over. We work, study, struggle hard to survive in this jungle. When I looked back my footsteps I have printed in the white parchment called time, I found out that I could not see any bright colors in them. Grey, black, some were even missing. Considering that dark colors have filled up my life until now, I found that a change is needed absolutely, but how? I have few bright paints that I could use to paint the parchment which lay in front of me. From now on, I think it’s time for me to find more colors from others and I’m looking forward to it. 

2011년 11월 8일 화요일

The body -after reading the first thirty pages

 The body is one of the stories in the book Different Seasons written by Stephen King. I only have read the first thirty pages or so of that book, and to be blunt, I do not like it so much. At least, I do not like yet.
 The overall story of the first thirty pages is this. All of the main characters have backgrounds which are not that good. One boy, probably Teddy has a mad father. He put Teddy’s ear close to the stove for ten seconds each which made him nearly lose his hearings. Also, a boy called Chris had a father who was an alcoholic. One day, these guys hear that they might be able to find a dead body and makes a plan to search for it.
 The story of the first thirty pages is roughly like the above. Actually, I dosed a lot while reading that part. I hope the rest of the story is more exciting just like Shawshank Redemption. 

2011년 11월 4일 금요일

     Saturday morning, we watched a video clip, a story about a monk and a boy living in a temple. The boy is not yet adapt to living in a temple in the middle of a mountain and makes some mistakes such as not recognizing toxic plants. One day, maybe he was just bored and he caught a fish, tied a rock around it, and let it go again. He did the same thing with a frog and a snake he caught that day. The monk saw the boy's actions and tied a rock to the boy that night. Next morning, the boy begged the monk to untie the rock 
and the monk said "Are you in pain? What would that fish and the frog and the snake would feel?" and promised the boy that he would free him from the rock once he found all the animals and free them. So the boy finds the fish, dead it was, and buries it. The frog was alive and he frees it. The snake was dead also and the boy burst into tears. This is the part I have watched. 
     I believe that this story is trying to give us a lesson that we should think what others would feel before we act. If I tell my friend a lie, would he be upset? Probably yes and that's the reason you should not lie. If  I hit my friend, would it hurt him? Would he be angry? Yes, and that's the reason why you should not hit others. Like this, any action could bring a unexpected sequence of harming others physically or mentally. In order to prevent that misfortune from happening, we should-as the video clip has told us- be in other people's shoes before we act. Being in other's shoes remind me of my childhood. When I was a child (I'm still young but when I was 'younger'), I used to think of only myself. Most kid are like that but in my case, it was far worse. I did not know to think in other people's positions and even though everyone smiled at me and agreed to me, they were annoyed and frustrated inside. 
     Also, we could even think that we human have forgotten how to coexist with the nature. For example, the boy in the video clip is still young but is already bullying animals in a quite cruel way. He is the reflection of human race and we are violent against the nature. I think the another lesson of the story was that we should value every living being and furthermore, try to coexist with the nature itself.
     So, to wrap up, the main two lessons of this story was to try to be in other's shoes and to value life and the nature.