2011년 12월 2일 금요일

10 years later

November 26th. 2021
 These days, I started to think about the past. Where was I before ten years? Probably I was at high school, doing tons of things.
 Today was, as usual, exciting and fun. My project of earning three billion won in five years, have failed, but still I earned some of it and it took about five more years until now. Since I started that project about ten years ago, finally I came near the end. Thanks to this money, I do not have to work that hard. I do what I want to do and live every day without planning things. Today, I went to Jeju Island for scuba diving with J ate lunch at a restaurant we first saw and then went to the airport to catch this plane heading for Bali, Indonesia. After I’ve been to Bali when I was 17, I’ve always wanted to go there again. Now I’m in the plane, thinking about the restaurants I’ve been last time I went there. I think it’s time for some movies and then, sleep. I’m really happy at the moment and J keeps telling me to stop writing that stupid diary. Think it’s time for me to listen to my girlfriend.
 Maybe this diary is a little hard to understand. Ten years ago, I set a goal to earn three billion won in five years because if you have that much money, you could live without work for the rest of your life. So, I started to everything I could: designing warmer structure of clothes, trying to build a company of my own and some inventions. In five years, I earned one third of the goal and went to a person I have always missed. She came back to my side and ever since, I’ve been going places we have talked about and doing things we have wished to do. Having J back, becoming a CEO and earning three billion let me think myself as a happy and proud man. 

댓글 1개:

  1. A nice image of a young rich guy on a plane with a girl named "J." Did she attend KMLA with you? I can think of some girls whose names start with J.

    I thought you'd have invented your own softdrink by now.
